a full recap once the dust has settled and the cats are fed but for now here are the final standings of yesterday's H8TR100 (and a big well done to everyone who rode and to all our volunteers):
Womens 1. Meghan Korol 2. Claire Canon 3. Katy Steudel a carbon copy of last years results
Mens 1. Marko Lalonde 2. Corey Stelljes 3. Matt Gehling
Fastest Single Speed: Joe Curtes
DFL: Candy
Tandem: Ruckus and Colin
Most Dapper: Jon Kendziera Flat King: Nate Jacques Most Hardcore/Heroic ride, 3 way tie: Joe Curtes, Mike Curtes, Cory Gwin
Just wanted you to know that our pals Lyle and Kelly at Cognition have made some special edition H8TR cycling caps and they are available now! In the past couple years Cognition has made some very limited edition caps that were given away as prizes for the H8TR, but this year they've stepped it up and will make them available for all to order, so even if you're not doing the H8TR you can still pose like a champion and say "yeah....I was there." I've seen them in person and those hats are SWEET! Pictures below and a description in full here. And while you're at it check out their other hats. Lyle and Kelly are masters at what they do (the winter faux fur hatwas my hat of choice during the cold months this last year), their hats are stylish on and off the bike and they're damn fine people too! Thanks Cognition!!!